What is a Christian?

Good morning ya’ll! I woke up this morning to a beautiful 70 degrees on the coast with low humidity and I had to remind myself that it’s only False Fall. If you’re from the south, you totally know what I’m talking about. If you’re not, well.. it’s the climate of the souths way of tricking you into thinking glorious days are ahead when it’s just giving you a tiny bit of hope that summer is finally gone. Two days from today, second summer will start with 90+ if not 100 degrees and oppressive humidity are back with a vengeance. I was so excited I actually did my nails with a pretty fall pattern.

A girl can dream right? I’m not built to sweat like the south makes you sweat & contrary to what beauty queens say (girls don’t sweat, they shimmer or something like that) I definitely do not shimmer or glow. I look like I went for a swim fully dressed lol. Regardless, I plan on enjoying today by taking a walk outside and working in my garden later this evening.

Enough about the weather, let’s jump into today’s post: What is a Christian? I’m sure the most frequent response you’ll get when asking this question is a follower of Christ. It’s the simplest and easiest definition. We can also add to it that Christians are people who believe in Christ and in the life, the death, and the resurrection of Jesus. And we also believe that Jesus died for our sins (yours, mine, and everyone in between) and that He will one day come back. In Romans 10:9, Paul shares that those of us who believe will be granted entrance into Heaven if we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord & believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

You might be reading this thinking, okay I believe in Jesus, check, I believe He died for me, check, He is my savior and He is coming back one day, check & check. And that’s great. I hope more people out there are firm in their faith and have an ongoing relationship with Jesus. But the truth is, many people call themselves Christian, but don’t live up to the title. I can go to church every Sunday and sit in the first pew. Those around me will think I’m a Christian, but how I am outside of the church? Is saying I believe in God and going to church the only characteristics used to define what a Christian is?

Being saved is obviously a huge part of being a Christian, right? I mean salvation is number one on my list. But being a follower of Christ comes with a lot more than just a title. It comes with responsibilities and it’s a lifestyle. Being a true follower of Jesus means dying to ourselves so He may take up residency in our hearts. When we first come to Christ, we’re asked to repent (to ask forgiveness of our sins) and we are called to live like Jesus and to share the good news of the gospel. Let me say this before diving deeper into this conversation that I do not have a Holier than Thou attitude when it comes to this topic.

I don’t write this or come to you thinking that I am perfect or standing on a soapbox. I come to you as a person whose life was a HOTMESS for a long time. I come to you with a list of transgressions that were a mile long. I was broken, lost, and literally crying to God to let me come home. I write this as a sinner who has been forgiven & washed cleaned and as a person who knows what she has been called to do.

There’s a song by King & Country that goes “and they’ll know that we’re Christians by our love” and this is where we start to dive into what being a Christian really means. How I interact with every one around me will show other people God’s love for me and for them, or will show them that I am no different than every one else that they encounter. As Christians, we’re called to help those in need, preach the Gospel, share the good news of Jesus, and forgive those who trespass against us.

Being a Christian means becoming more like Jesus. We will stumble and we will fail during our sanctification process because lets face it, none of us are like the Lamb of God, but we’re called to be like Him. It’s an on going process and one that will never stop until Jesus calls us home. It means reading His word, letting it seep into our hearts. It means walking on the path of righteousness. The Christian life is not easy and if it were, we wouldn’t be considered lost and broken or sinful. But I believe that it is so worth it. I believe that dying to our flesh daily is worth it because of the peace and relief it brings us.

I hope each of you have a great day and always remember that even when you forget to walk with Jesus, He is always walking along side you.

With love, -Ana

*These views above are my own and not affiliated with anyone else or organization. These are my opinions and thoughts about my own personal journey with God. Your journey to and with God is your own & your experiences are unique to you.**

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