
Hey ya’ll! We are well on our way into the school year here at the Brett house and I am praying for new dinner ideas and new ways to keep my house clean lol. With three dogs that shed and an 8 year old who constantly leaves toys outside his bedroom, it’s a constant battle to keep the house clean. Sometimes I feel like house keeper and chaos coordinator are the titles that I relate to most often.

Many of us go by different names or titles. The name our parents gave us, the name that shares family relations, such as daughter, sister, brother, husband etc. And that just begins with our personal lives not what our titles would be professionally. Some people would say all of those names or titles are what make up our identity. Now add into the mixture how we “feel” about ourselves. You know, how we view ourselves. And while another person’s viewpoint of us can be harmful sometimes, I believe that how we view and feel about ourselves can be capable of more harm and could prevent an individual from realizing who they truly are in the eyes of God.

Our pastor talks frequently about “feelings” and he always shares that “while feelings are great indicators, they should never be dictators.” According to the Positive Psychology website, there are more than 34,000 different types of emotions we can experience. There’s an entire wheel of emotions they display and they help explain that each emotion or feeling typically lasts about a minute. This means that you and me are constantly feeling emotion after emotion throughout the day. It’s an influx of up and down. Happy sad angry stressed exhausted bitter jealous. We are in a constant state of feeling throughout the day. Controlling our emotions is something that many of us struggle with. And how the feelings we have about ourselves is also something that many struggle with.

Within the last few years, there has been an alarming increase in Body Dysmorphia Disorder. It has mostly been in individuals between preteen-teens and early adulthood and while not every teen experienced this, many specifically girls unhappy with their bodies, typically experienced BDD. But now, this trend is beginning to be seen in even younger children. While it’s not unheard of for our teens to experience this, I mean they’re trying to figure out where they fit into this crazy world, it is uncommon for younger elementary age children to experience this. Our littles should only be worried about being kids and playing, making friends, and using their imagination. One of the reasons I believe young children are experiencing BDD, is because our children are not being taught that God loves them and created them just as they are. Exactly as they are, not what they feel they are. And this may ruffle feathers, because in our current culture everything is about our feelings rather than facts and truth. Feelings are subjective and fleeting. Facts are indisputable just as is God’s love for His children.

So who does God say we are? What do we teach our children about who they are according to God and not according to the world that we live in? God says we belong to Him. That all who receive Him and those that believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God (John 1:12).

You are heirs to the Kingdom of heaven! Now if we are children, then we are heirs. Heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His joy (Romans 8:17). If you’ve read the book of Ephesians, you know that the apostle Paul declares in his letter that he is a prisoner in the Lord. Paul wrote this letter to the church of Ephesus while he was an actual prisoner in a prison cell. But when he shared that he was a prisoner in the Lord, he didn’t mean it in the negative connotation that is typically associated with the word. He means more that he is a servant to the Lord. Meaning, he understands the calling that Jesus had placed on his life. And this calling became a part of Paul’s identity.

You see, while many of us are walking around the world trying to figure out where we fit in, what we’re supposed to do, how we’re supposed to do it according to the world, God’s already had this all set out before we were even born. But you’d never know this unless you picked up the Bible and begin reading, praying, and talking with the Lord. You wouldn’t know how much you were valued and how worthy you are if you were never surrounded by people who love Jesus and share His words with you. Instead you’re constantly being bombarded with influencers on social media, products ads that tell you you’re not enough until you buy…., or the news filling your head with some nonsense that says if you think this way you’re the enemy or if you believe this then you’re against the majority.

Every possible avenue of communication on this planet leaves us feeling like we’re less than unless we have something. It tells us that our feelings about everything are valid and more important than facts. Feelings are subjective and always changing. Facts are not. God loves you and calls you His. God doesn’t care if you’ve figured it out yet. God doesn’t care that you’re a hot mess. He has already taken all of this into consideration and He knew you before you were even born. You are precious and honored in my sight because I love you (Isaiah 43:4). You were chosen by Him. 1 Peter 2:9 reads, But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of the darkness.

We are so much more than what the world around us tries to make us think we are and we are so much more than any of the feelings or perceptions we have about ourselves. If you’re reading this and you’re questioning your existence, who you are, or who you are supposed to be, I urge you to begin praying to God about it and begin reading through scripture. If you don’t have a Bible, you can download apps for free or read it online. I’d also consider finding someone you trust to talk with. Not someone who is going to tell you what you want to hear or someone who is going to be judgmental, but someone who you know is kind and caring, and willing to point you to Jesus and about what He says is your truth.

Also, keep in mind that anything that causes you confusion, does not come from God. Anything that truly comes from God, brings you peace, even if you don’t understand why it does. Anything that leads to internal turmoil, conflicting feelings, the questioning of hard undisputed facts, does not come from our God. It comes from the world and from the one who seeks to steal kill and destroy. Steal your love of yourself and God. Destroy any good that you have in your life, and kill your spirit. The enemy doesn’t attack those who have already strayed from God. He seeks to pounce and invade your mind when you’re weak and looking for the right answers. He inserts himself as a comment from a friend who you think loves and supports you.

**This post is written as an opinion piece and is not intended as a form of therapy. I am not a doctor or a pysc

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